Minggu, 22 Desember 2013

Cerita Tentang Sebuah Keluarga Bernama IME'12

Happy weekend J , aku mau nyeritain keluargaku di kampus nih. Ini dia=> Sebuah keluarga kecil yang terdiri dari 30 mahasiswa(dan sekarang tinggal 27 L) yang mulai melakukan aktifitas bersama sejak 3 september 2012. Yaitu: Ilania Eka Andari, Afif Rizal, Rosmawati Zakiya, Herwati Dian Saputri(si cantik yang satu ini sudah nikah lho), Ibrohim Aji Kusuma, Ceria Andespi, Dwi Nur Hayati, Putri Solekhah(Saya Sendiri), Pratama Wahyu Purnama, Maulida Yulianti, Marissa, Wulandari, Istiana Kindi Maycarena, Dewi Thufaila, Alysa Rahmany Putri, Winda Nur Akhadya, Rydhlo Ega Putra, Rahmat Hadi Saputro(nih anak kuliah di Jepang lho), Hatun Tarhan, Faqih Mu’tasimbillah, Fattah Aji Prakoso, Indri Aryanti, Agusti Eke Dyah Larasati, Tiara Rusnanda Putri , Lisa Febrianti, Dian Puspita, Rony Prasetya(pindah ke UNDIP nih :p), Shella Azizah, Vidya Rachmawati, dan Ummu Hajar Dwi Jayanti.
PMI’12 begitu biasa kami dipanggil, atau kami lebih suka disebut IME YSU ’12 (kaya di group fb) berisi anak-anak yang beraneka ragam. Ada yang memang niat ke pendidikan matematika(kaya aku), dan ada juga yang nyasar. Ada yang tadinya pengen ke sebelah(UGM), ada yang pengen UI, juga ada yang sebenernya gak pengen jurusan pendidikan matemetika alias nyasar, malah ada yang pengen jurusan IPS. Pokoknya macam-macam deh, sama kaya sifat-sifat nya.
Bertigapuluh ini sifatnya beda-beda(yaiyalah), ada yang rame-pemdiem, lucu-garing, keras-lembut, aktif-kalem, rajin-malas, cermat-ceroboh, cerdik-pahpoh, pemaaf-penyabar, masih banyak lagi deg pokoknya dan yang pasti menurutku anaknya seru-seru J.
Harapanku ke depan kita ,IME’12, bisa terus bareng ampe wisuda. Kita jadi keluarga yang erat dan penuh kasih sayang(ecieeh). Tetep jadi kelas paling gokil, kelas teladan, dan kelas internasional hahaha. Sekian. Thanks udah mau baca J

NB: sorry kalau penyebutan namanya ada yang salah, hehehe

Sabtu, 13 April 2013

Reflection on 25th March 2013

Like last week, today we watch some video. In this lecture there are three video, not only video about mathematics but also about motivation. Titles of this video are ‘Quadratic Form’, ‘Invers Function’, and ‘Do You Believe Me?’.
In mathematics quadratic form is a quadratic form over some real vector space V that has the same sign(always positive or always negative) for every nonzero vector of V. According to that sign, the quadratic form is calledpositive definite or negative definite. A semidefinite (or semi-definite) quadratic form is defined in the same way, except that "positive" and "negative" are replaced by "not negative" and "not positive", respectively. An indefinite quadratic form is one that takes on both positive and negative values.
‘Do You Believe Me?’ is a Inspirational video for the start of school video. This video, posted to YouTube and created for the Starkville (Mississippi) School District by Broadcast Media Group,  is a great video to share with teachers, administrators, students, parents, and other constituents in our educational community. This video participants answer the basic and important questions:
1.      What do you want to be when you grow up?
2.      Why did you become a teacher?
3.      Who is your favorite teacher? What is your favorite subject? Why?
An inverse function is a function that undoes another function: If an input x into the function f produces an output y, then putting y into the inverse function g produces the output x, and vice versa. i.e., f(x)=y, andg(y)=x. More directly, g(f(x))=x, meaning g(x) composed with f(x) leaves xunchanged. A function f that has an inverse is called invertible; the inverse function is then uniquely determined by f and is denoted by f−1 (read f inverse, not to be confused with exponentiation).

Reflection on 11th March 2013

Today we watch some video in our lecture. Mr. Marsigid played seven videos. There are ‘What You Know About Math’, ‘English Degrees’, ‘Limits by Inspection’, ‘Golden x’, ‘Integer’, ‘Multiplying Eksponen’, and ‘Function’. All of videos have downloaded from www.studio4learning.tv.
‘What You Know About Math’ is a song about mathematics, it has unique lyric and funny music. It is all about mathematic that share by a song. It were sang by two boys with interactive dance. How an amazing song.
‘English Degrees’ talk about radian and degrees, what is radian, what is degrees, kind of them, and how to convert degrees into radian and from radian into degrees. We also learn many symbol that we use in degrees or radians. 
From ‘Limits by Inspection’ we learn that there are 2 condition to determining limits by inspection. There are some key to solve limits. First the key to determining limits by inspection is in looking at power of x in the numerator and the denominator. Then if the highest power of x is greater in numerator so the limit is positive or negative infinity.
‘Golden x’ or golden rule of algebra is talk about what should we do to solve an equation. What you do on the left side of the equation, you must also do on the right side. 
From video ‘Integer’ we know that an integer is a number that can be written without a fractional or decimal component. “Integers are like whole numbers, but they also include negative numbers ... but still no fractions allowed!”,said someone in this video.
‘Multiplying Eksponen’ tell us the laws of exponents and fractional exponents. It also explain every laws that has been given.
‘Function’ videos tell us that in mathematics, a function is a relation between a set of inputs and a set of permissible outputs with the property that each input is related to exactly one output. But there are many ways to describe or represent a function. A function can be described through its relationship with other functions, for example as an inverse function or as a solution of a differential equation.

Minggu, 17 Maret 2013

Reflection of Lecture on 4th March 2013

In this lecture we discuss about question from students english of international mathematic education. There are many question that we discuss. Mr. Marsigit read one by one our question.
Firts question from Alisa,”How we as a student must studying english in mathematic?”. Then Mr. Marsigid said something should be naturaly, learning naturaly. Best way learn english is hermenitic or ‘silaturahim’ to translate and to be translated, to reflect and to be reflected. Hermenitic with everything about english for examples: BBC, dictionary, internet, ensiclopedi, native speaker, tourist, english book, Mr. Marsigit, etc. Not only to learn english, but also everyting we developt hermenitic.
Second from Dian Permatasari. She said that how to emplement caracter education in teaching and learning proces in the class. The solution is we should understand to teching learning of mathematics. Mr. Marsigid said that the number of mathematics is the same with people that consider about mathematics. As an innovative teacher we should understand that there are many kind of mathematics, not only one. Try to dig  up, uncover, and writing to reflect.
Thirt question from Rhydlo Ega,”Mengapa inofatif lebih bagus dari pada tradisional?”. The answer has been explained  by Mr. Marsigit on last lecture.
Then question from Putri Solekhah,”Will there games on our lecture?”. Mr. Marsigid said that next lecture we will watch video and today we just discuss our question.
After that Faqih ask why we must make reflection. Mr. Marsigit said because reflection is the best method, the highest order to thinking. Reflection is complete there are recording, reflect, and thinking. This is not for someone, but it’s our, to improve our english.
Then Wildanu ask about ‘meaningfull’. Meaningfull is on time, silaturahim or hermenitic, and etcetera.
Next Dian Puspita question. She ask that how to teach mathematics effectively. Mr. Marsigit said that we shoul say how the student learn/reflect mathematics effectively. We need to make more relection. The real learn mathemetics is how to facilitate us including give us reading and reference.
After that Marissa ask,”What is the main idea of the nature of school mathematics?”. The lecturer said that for the youngest student knowledge is an activity. So we must say that mathematics is an activity.
The last question from Shella Azizah,”How to change the thinking of student that mathematics is difficult?,”. Mr. Marsigit said that ‘kita seharusnya sebagai seorang guru/dosen memberi fasilitas, kita layani mereka. Maka perubahan pikiran akan berubah dengan sendiriya. Kembangkan empati, sopan santun dan intuisi. Because this is the spirit of teaching’. 

Reflection of Lecture on 25th February 2013

Mr. Marsigit said that he believe that language is life approach. To implement this way innovative aproach we need facility and trust. Facility are tool, tecnology, IT, web blog, or/and student worksheet. The good theacher is he/she that capable for teaching. Because there are different between one student and other student. He/she must has a good capability on technology.
            To construct owr own language or our own mathematic we hope that we will our achievement in english. The formal criterion for english class or international class is our toefl minimal 450. We can use facility from UNY (specialy for international class) to train our english.
            Mr. Marsigit said we must lecture because of our own will. Don’t because of compultion. We must do it with antusiasm. We must aware that we are adult human that can choose our attitude. We must convident with ‘rasa berserah diri’ and ‘tawadu’. Doing anything sincerely with effort and pray.
The formal mathematics and mathematics school was different. The difference is:
1)      Formal Mathematics
·         Axismathics mathematics
·         Pure Mathematics
2)      School Mathematics by Ebbuft and Straker (1995)
·          Mathemathics is a several of and releasionship
·          Mathematics is a personal activity
·           Mathematics is an action insvestigating
·           Mathematics is the means of communication
He also said that mathematics is the nature of school mathematics, students learn mathematics and all aspects of learning process. Thus, the basis for us to be successful we need enthusiastic, happy, and learn to think consciously.

Sabtu, 02 Maret 2013

Reflection of Lecture on 11th and 18th February

There are three source of estimation in english lecture, they are short question test, reflektion, and online lecture using web.blog. Short question test is test that be given or come on every week or every meeting. The purpose is to answer questions shortly from lecturer, Mr Marsigit, about vocabulary, verb, adverb, adjective, grammer, structure, idiom, etc.
Reflection is to reveal again more broadly and detail from our activity or lecture that happened in the class. In lecture we be expected learn seriously material that be given by lecturer. Not only it, but also we must hard-working interaction and asking things that make our knowledge become reach and good. All of them are wrote by us and then collect in every meeeting with procedure that be given by lecturer.
Online lecture using web.blog is an analysis activity or reflection texs that was posting in blog http://powermathematics.blogspot.com. The instructions is that all of students reflection english text that was posting using or become indonesian language and otherwise, if the texs post in indonesian language so students must be reflection on english. That reflection then type on tke command coloum then be posted our blog using the same tittle with post that we reflected before. How to make a reflection is first we must understand contents from the text then we writen again using our own words or sentense shortly.
Weighting in english lecture by Mr Marsigit is task sebesar 40%, quis or short question test 30%, mid test 10%, and final test has weight 20%. Why  activity in lecture stresser or weighter in giving score ? He said that the important in lecturure is the proces students active and be aotonomous in lecture.
Mr Marsigit said that as students, we must diligent and discipline in do tasks and questions. Make reflection to collect point. Do not afraid you wrong in trying, more trying do tasks better because better trying but false than never trying because worry make a false. And remember to prying every we will do everything expecialy when we study.
Students must studying sincerely, doing tasks, and other that have to do by students. The tips is we must silaturahmi diligently with materials of lecture. Do not lazy read the book of lectrure. Lecturer or teacher not over all give material lecture. He/she must just facilitated, students that must active search, build our knowledge. Because knowledge if reacher is like a plant or tree that grow and then will be advance for theyself and other people.


Reflection of ‘The anxiety of Mathematics Teachers and Their Problems’ by Marsigit

Saya setuju bahwa saat ini masih banyak permasalahan guru-guru khususnya matematika dalam proses pembelajaran. Memang dalam mengajar di suatu kelas dengan tingkat kecerdasan murid yang berbeda memerlukan inovasi agar siswa lebih bisa memahami pelajaran. Beberapa cara yang dapat digunakan ialah dengan memberikan lembar kerja siswa atau LKS yang dibuat oleh guru pengapu karena beliaulah yang dapat memahami karakter siswanya di kelas. Selain itu, metode kelompok belajar juga perlu diterapkan dalam pembelajaran. Dalam suatu kelas dapat dikelompokkan ke dalam tiga kelompok. Yaitu kelompok siswa yang cerdas, sedang, dan kurang cerdas. Masing-masing kelompok diberi tugas yang berbeda. Kelompok pertama hanya diberi lembar kerja dan diminta mengerjakan mandiri dengan diskusi. Kelompok kedua dijelaskan materi kemudian diberi soal, tentu dengan tingkat kesulitan yang sedang. Kelompok ketiga diberikan pelajaran menggunakan media yang menarik agar siswa senang dan mudan dalam memahaminya.